Get More From Your Smart Metering Investment
Reducing costs associated with meter reading is only scratching the surface. Smart meters open the door to deeper understanding of your water system. By leveraging the data coming from your smart meters, and combining it with other sources of information both inside and outside the utility, you can take system management to the next level.

Insights From A Flood of Data
H2O Analytics continuously monitors the stream of data coming from your smart meters and combines it with the data coming from your SCADA system, along with information from external sources such as precipitation and temperature to help you better understand what is happening in your system. Business Intelligence dashboards for utility staff reveal trends and insights, while abnormal usage on the customer side of the meter can drive automated notifications.
Increase Customer Satisfaction
Give your customers the tools to monitor their own water usage in near-real-time and to receive automated notfications when abnormalities occur. Help them understand how their water usage compares to other similar customers and how they can conserve this precious shared resource.

Install and Manage Smart Metering Assets
Designed by meter installers for meter installers to ensure the capture of complete, quality data at the point of installation and to automate the flow of information between the utility billing system and the installation crew.
Cloud and Mobile Solutions
Integrating with your existing Billing, SCADA and GIS systems, H2O Analytics amplifies the power of your smart meters to help you address a wide range of utility management challenges.
Usage Analytics
Fingertip access to your hourly, daily and monthly usage data. Easily ‘slice-and-dice’ your information, including geo-queries.
Zone Based Loss Analysis
Combine your smart-meter, SCADA and GIS data to enable realtime monitoring of water losses at a zone level.
Customer Engagement
Web and mobile apps put smart meter data at your customer’s fingertips. Automated alerts notify them of leaks, abnormal usage and other service-oriented events.
Meter Installations
Bi-directional Billing system integration. Capture meter change-out information in the field and post back to the billing system with no re-keying of data.
Asset Management
Schedule and manage asset maintenance programs, including hydrants, manholes, inlets, backflows and more.
Work Orders
Boost customer service by enabling realtime communication between your customer service team and your technicians in the field.